Thursday, January 31, 2008
Highest level of Pain
Today is the byebye day for my stupid tooth....
Posted by
1:18 AM
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Sound Dampener
Sound like so Dam Pen errr...(very stupid err) !!
So i saw this sponge things at Brother car shop. then dunno hear who say can reduce my Turbo engine sound. Mana Tau no effect at all. Sien nya...
The description written :
-self-extinguishing ( can put off fire)
- water proof (if dun put rain will wet the engine)
- High temperature resistance -40'c to 105'c (My F1 engine too HOT !)
- Durable ( can last 100 years)
- Environment Friendly (will grow plants,and make ozon layer thicker)
Soooo........ LOL !
Never mind , just another stupid things i buy =p
Posted by
1:08 AM
Saturday, January 26, 2008
My Tooth Pain Again
I lost one of my Wisdom tooth last year , I was suppose to get ride both but I refused to give the Doctor take away my wisdom so much.
Recently that tooth start to irritate me so i feel very angry because I not able to chew properly
Below are an example
I wonder why God make us grow these Tooths . to make us spend RM600++ to remove them.
Maybe we are too rich . or too free ..... so let us have something to do and spend money.
Now my singing also went bad because my mouth could not open so wide , the sound not so high oledy..... sad ... wish me luck on my coming surgery ! Till then ,i wont be talking alot fei hua so that the tooth cannot irritate me so much.
Posted by
4:29 AM
Monday, January 21, 2008
Cold Jokes of the day (Thanks to She Yee)
one day, a matches stick loitering around a taman ,
walk walk and walk, suddenly he feel his head is itchy
so he pun scarp his head lo, then he die liao (burn till death)
有一位糖先生走走走,走到脚软,跌倒就变 软糖 了!
有一位糖先生走走走,走到冰山去,冷到他变冰糖 了 !
In a birthday dinner, da sou, for old uncle 80 years old
a grandchild sitting at the table waiting for the 1st dishes
coz it is da sou, the 1st dishes is one big sou pao(pink bun)
then the grandchild tell his mom, yerr mummy mummy , y the waiter giv us a piku( buttock)...
then the mother wan to giv his kid sum and kopek the sou pau
then the grandson shout, yerr~~this piku inside got da bian summore !!!
but actually is the ang tao sa la....=p
Posted by
11:54 PM
I'm Back because I am Bored
Why today i write blog again...
Maybe is because is the beginning of the year 2008.
Nothing much to do . no event no special things happen.
finding new place to go and good food to eat.
CNY coming , money oledy spend all.Must stop buying nonsence things liao.
Stupid iphone already 1 example. and then follow by stupid walkie talkie and bicycle.
Oh and the watch oso. i will upload the stupid things later haha
somebody slap me deep deep man.
picture coming ..... deng deng deng deng....
Posted by
10:58 PM